745 Walker Ave

Kansas City, KS 66101


Phone: 913-281-1993

EMAIL: admin@nbccdc.org

When you click "submit", you will automatically be redirected to our payment processing page. If you wish to pay via check or other option, require an invoice,  and/or Form W-9, please indicate it in the additional information section above and simply close the payment page. If you are a waved vendor please indicate it in the Additional Information section and close the payment page. All others, please submit payment by choosing the Vendor option.  Our Vendor Support Office will contact you within 48-72 hours to verify. If you do not receive a call or email, please email our offices at admin@nbccdc.org

Vendor Registration is now open for the 2023 Family 101 5K Walk/Run/Bike. 

Deadline for submission: COB Friday, June 16, 2023 

Cost: $50 (This fee is included with all Sponsors. 6ft table & 2 chairs provided)